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The Art Of War

The Ar! ofWar is an ancicnt Chincsc military trcatisc dating from thc Latc Spring and Autumn Pcriod (roughly 5th ccntuıy BC). The work, which is attributcd to thc ancicnt Chincsc military strategist Sun Tzu (“Mastcr Sun”, also spcllcd Sunzi), is composcd of 13 ehapters. Each onc is devoted to a different set of skills (or “art”) related to varfarc and how it applics to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was thc lcad tcxt in an anthology that vvas forma lizcd as thc Seven Military Classics by Empcror Shcnzong of Song in 1080. The An of War remains the most influential strategy tc.t in East Asian varfare and has influenced both Far Eastcrn and Wcstem military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy, lifestyles and beyond.The book contains a detailed explanation and analysis of thc 5th-ccntury Chincsc military, from vvcapons and strategy to rank and disciplinc. Sun also stressed the importance of intclligcncc operatives and cspionage to the war cfFort. Considcrcd onc of history's fıncst military tacticians and analysts, his tcachings and stratcgics formcd thc basis of advanccd military training for millennia to come.
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77,00 TL
51,44 TL
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